7.6 Menopausal Psychosis and Hormone Therapy: Closing Thoughts and Song
Renegade PsychFebruary 16, 202420:5919.39 MB

7.6 Menopausal Psychosis and Hormone Therapy: Closing Thoughts and Song

Here, we each present our closing thoughts on the use of female reproductive hormones during menopause and the phenomenon of menopausal psychosis and/or exacerbation of psychiatric symptoms during female hormonal transitional periods. Thanks so much to Drs. Wood and Grider for being a part of this, and please stick around after the disclaimer to hear one of my favorite local artists, Jared Foos, who just released his first solo album, titled "Who Loves you Baby," with his hit song, "Leave." If you or anyone you know is looking to have their music platformed, please send it my way and I'll see if I can work it into the closing thoughts of another series!

Thanks for listening. For more social media content, check us out on all social media platforms @Renegadepsych. If you have any comments, questions or challenges to the information we've presented here, if you'd like to be a guest to the show, or if you have general comments, questions, or suggestions, email us at Renegadepsych@gmail.com and follow the link https://renegade-psych.podcastpage.io/ to our website for source material, transcripts, and additional links for my guests. If you feel passionate about our message and what we're trying to do, and you'd like to donate, you can also follow the link in the show notes to our website.

Disclaimer, this podcast is for informational purposes only. The information provided in this podcast and related materials are meant only to educate. This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice. While I am a medical doctor and many of my guests have extensive medical training and experience, nothing stated in this podcast nor materials related to this podcast, including recommended websites, texts, graphics, images, or any other materials should be treated as a substitute for professional medical or psychological advice, diagnosis or treatment. All listeners should consult with a medical professional, licensed mental health provider or other healthcare provider if seeking medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

psychology,Hospital,healthcare,medicine,Schizophrenia,medications,menopause,estrogen,progesterone,mental health,Women's Health,bipolar disorder,Health Care,big pharma,OB/GYN,hormone therapy,psychiatric medications,Dr. Jenny Wood,Dr. Ann Grider,