Here I reveal some exciting new upcoming changes to the podcast, starting in July of 2024. Hope you enjoy.
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24.2 Strangling the Bloody Cockerel with Ken Gillman, MD: RCTs are Imperfect
Join myself and Dr. Ken Gillman, MD, as we discuss the inherent problems with modern scientific research, and the lack of emphasis put on building critical thinking skills endemic to our academic institutions. In Part 2 of our conversation, we delve furtther into how research has been commandeered ...
26.2 Mental Coaching in Pro Golf with "Clever Trevor" Jones, ACT therapist
Join myself and "Clever Trevor" Jones for Part 2 of our discussion as we talk about the role of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in GOLF. Trevor works with professional golfers to optimize their mental game, through ACT processes like acceptance, defusion, meditation and mindfulness, flexible pers...
26.1 Mental Coaching in Pro Golf with "Clever Trevor" Jones, ACT therapist
Join myself and "Clever Trevor" Jones as we discuss the role of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in GOLF. Trevor works with professional golfers to optimize their mental game, through ACT processes like acceptance, defusion, meditation and mindfulness, flexible perspective-taking, and values-drive...